LeCool Dublin, Cover


Feb, 2015.
My illustration of Sandycove has been featured on the cover of LeCool Dublin this week and includes an interview with me…

Who are you and what do you do?
I am a graphic designer from Dublin, where I worked for the last 10 years before moving to Paris last summer. I studied Visual Communications and Interactive Media at IADT, I began working initially as an Editorial Designer in a publishing house and then as Art Director for Martello Media, an interpretive design firm that designs museums and visitor experiences. I am currently working on branding and website projects for clients in Paris and Dublin. I also get very excited by information design projects.

Tell us more about this cover
While living and working in Sandycove over the last few years I have been amazed by how drastically the landscape changes depending on the light and tides, I wanted to capture some of these variations in a series of illustrations.

How do you create your works?
As always I begin on paper, positioning the key elements before blocking out the basic shapes in Adobe Illustrator. When I’m happy with the overall composition I begin to add detail using a palette of shapes, curves and angles, like building lego. I play around with the line thickness, before adding colour.

Where can we see more of your work?
On my website

Dream Commission?
I would have to say an information design project, I enjoy the challenge of making complex information easily accessible, it’s like solving a visual puzzle.

Whose work do you currently admire?
I love the work of Paris agencies Atelier ter Bekke & Behage who’s typically French style of typography balances refined structure with playfulness. I love the exhibition design work of Pentgram’s Abbott Miller, who I was lucky enough to visit in their New York Office. I am a big fan of the simplicity of Mark Farrow‘s work as well as Garbett (formerly Naughty Fish). I recently fell in love with the work of Fritz Kahn, a Physician who began visualising the structure and function of the human body in the early 1900s.

Who should design the next Le Cool cover?
One of these two talented pals, Camille Jacquelot or Susan Leen

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